Rajesh Khanna, known as a phenomenon in Bollywood, is still a talking point among many. Rumours say that when the talented actress Deepti Naval narrowed down on subjects to make a film, she chose a story similar to the life of the ‘70s superstar. Talk is that she wanted Khanna to play the lead in her project. A trade source confirmed that Deepti even had a preliminary meeting with Rajesh Khanna, at his office on Linking Road, Khar. But Khanna nixed the idea of having a film made about his meteoric rise to superstardom, and then his fall from grace.
Khanna’s close associates, producer Johny Bakshi of Phir Teri Kahani Yaad Aayi and Vinay Sinha of Andaz Apna Apna, often spend time with the lead actor of Anand and Aradhana; they said that Rajesh Khanna’s life continues to fascinate the public. Bakshi said that when Kaka, Vinay and he get together, they often end up talking of his untroubled days. In his opinion, Bollywood hasn’t seen that kind of madness ever. True actors like Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan are currently Bollywood’s biggest stars. But Kaka generated the kind of mass madness that is hard to describe or forget.
Bakshi, who had his office at Mehboob Studio in Mumbai for over two decades said that every restaurant on Hill Road, where Mehboob Studio is situated did roaring business when Rajesh Khanna was shooting at the studio in the ‘70s. The traffic would come to a standstill when word about Kaka being in the surrounding area got around. There are many who feel that yesteryear stars often continue to bask in their past glory. But how can one expect Rajesh Khanna to let go of his past when the filmmakers and actors of his time still continue to talk about Kaka’s superstardom with such fright. Naturally, it must be hard for Khanna to ever let go of those memories.
Rajesh Khanna’s life has inspired many filmmakers to try and attempt a film on it. But though the ex-superstar may talk of his past glory with friends, he is not keen to be part of any film that is based on him, because he is a very private man.
Khanna, a Congress loyalist, actively campaigns for the party during all elections and bye-elections. But as far as socializing is concerned, he just meets a few close friends in Mumbai and Delhi. He is also said to have signed half-a-dozen films.
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There are romantic leading men and there are romantic leading men, but very few have taken cinematic love to legendary heights. While there might be other icons but Super-Star- Actor Rajesh Khanna after four decades, he is the ultimate true romantic legend.
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