After Ranbir Kapoor and Chitrangada Singh walked out of Aamir Khan's Delhi Belly, it looks like only Lisa Ray is left from the original cast of the film. However, Aamir's nephew Imran Khan, who debuts with Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na, seems to be the newest addition in the film. In fact, after Ranbir opted out of the film because of the slightly vulgar details of Aamir's sex comedy, the buzz is that he has decided to cast his nephew Imran Khan. Though Ranbir is said to have left the film due to unavailability of dates, Chitrangada had serious objections with the script. The film is an impertinent if not slightly risqué sex-comedy, a genre that is new to Hindi cinema. All the actors who are being auditioned for the ensemble cast are forbidden to divulge any details about the script through an indemnity contract.
However, it is known that Delhi Belly has a heavy dose of sexual innuendos because of which most of the actors are opting out. The story goes that the hero, who is from Delhi, has a girlfriend, Lisa Ray, but gets involved with a stunning socialite who was being played by Chitrangada. Now that Ranbir has refused to play the male lead, the question remains as to who will play the daring young Delhite?
Aamir’s first reservation about casting Imran was the film’s content. Nobody wanted his nephew to do a sex-comedy that has already garnered reviews of being a little too crude even for the Indian masses.
Initially Aamir was reluctant to cast Imran for the role because he didn’t want to be accused of promoting his own family. Now with Imran already having two films in his kitty - Kidnap and Soham Shah's Luck, even before Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na has hit the theatres, Aamir apparently has no qualms about casting him.
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