Madhur Bhandarkar's budgets for films are hitting through the upper limit. While his Chandni Bar was made for Rs 1.5 crore, he spent close to Rs 4 crore for Traffic Signal. However Fashion, budgeted at Rs 20 crore, is Madhur's most glamorous and expensive film so far. Madhur said that Fashion is a big financial leap. Because of the kind of opulence the film requires, they needed a big star. Priyanka Chopra is a glamorous star and Fashion couldn't have been made without her. And now he is looking forward to shoot the climax with her in Paris.
There is some change of plans regarding the climax of Fashion. Earlier, the director had planned to shoot the Paris Fashion Week live in July, but now he'll be recreating the Fashion Week in Paris during the event. Madhur informed that they were working on a deal with the French Government. They will show Priyanka walking the ramp but they won't shoot the Fashion Week. A set in Paris needs to be put up for about five days. They want to capture Priyanka framed against the Eiffel Tower and also show her walking the ramp in Paris as a super-model. They will also have some footage from the real Fashion Week.
Madhur's next project Jail, a hard-hitting film on a criminal who escapes from prison, was supposed to be shot in a real jail. However, it will now be filmed on a set because of the practical problems associated with the film's shoot. Madhur has cast Neil Nitin Mukesh in the film. When he saw Neil in Johnny Gaddar, he knew that he was perfect. He doesn't think a prison story like Jail has been done so far in Hindi films. He always wanted to go into genres that were new for him and for the audience. Jail will be a two-hour-long thriller produced jointly by Madhur Bhandarkar and Percept Pictures.
Apart from being kicked about all his forthcoming films, Madhur is on cloud nine about winning his third National Award for Traffic Signal. In fact Madhur was caught in the traffic in the pouring rains when he heard of him winning the National Award. Since the National Awards are running a year late, he wasn't even aware that Traffic Signal was up for consideration. He was stuck in the torrential rains when a news channel from Delhi called to inform him. He thought it was a joke.
But later, when he received congratulatory calls he knew that he had really won… On hindsight, Traffic Signal was a very difficult movie to make. There were 60 characters and half of them were non-actors, straight from the streets. And they did no workshops. Though Madhur has won National Awards for both Chandni Bar and Page 3, this is his first National award as a director. And it is also for the first time that two films, Traffic Signal and Corporate, by the same director were competing with each other.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Madhur hitting through the upper limit
Posted by D at 5:28 PM
Labels: Hindi films
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