Lately it is known that Aditya Pancholi has decided to call off his five-year-old relationship with actress Kangana Ranaut. He said that he’s got over Kangana. Now, all that he wanted was she returns the huge amount of money that she owes him. They have stopped seeing one another for a while now. Some time back she called Aditya to say that she wanted money, about Rs 1 crore, to buy a house. This was after she had complained against him to the police. He called up a banker-friend and stood as her guarantor and got her a loan of Rs 50 lakh.
Then, he gave her Rs 55 lakh cash from his pocket. Of this, she has returned Rs 25 lakh. She still owes him Rs 30 lakh. He has also spent Rs 10 lakh on her sister's plastic surgery, after the acid attack. But he says that he is not asking for that back. He paid all the bills. When Mukesh Bhatt asked back for her signing amount of Rs 50,000, he paid that for her too. He has written all that off. But he would like to have the money that he lent her for her house.
The bitterness has now made way for a calmer acceptance of the situation. He said that they were as good as husband and wife. He was actually building a house for both of them on Yari Road. They lived together for three years at a friends' place. He used to show her a lot of movies. He further continues that Kangana didn't have a penny when he met her. He saw her the first time on the road. She was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. It was June 27, 2004. She was wet, and sitting on a bike with a guy from the Asha Chandra Acting Institute. Aditya was supervising the construction of a building.
It was pouring. Suddenly She came up and said a warm 'hi' to Aditya. When she said she was 'Kangana', he remembered a mutual friend had asked him to help her when she reached Mumbai. After that Kangana started calling him up persistently until he agreed to meet her. Initially she was a sweet small town girl. Aditya fell in love with her. He was building a home for the two of them. Even the phone she was using was his. Then one day she told him about this guy who was troubling her. When he asked for an itemized bill his world crashed on his head. The same guy's number recurred repeatedly in the bill. She spoke to this guy for 5,000 minutes in a month.
Why was she calling a guy she claimed was troubling her? He should have been warned. But he was completely taken in by her. Things came to such a head that one of her mooh-bola brothers went to Dubai and got a job in a hotel on his recommendation without his knowledge. He said that she has used him.
When Kangana went to South Africa to shoot for Shaka Laka Boom Boom, things got worse, according to Aditya. After she returned, he read her sent messages to another actor, while she was asleep. Her messages were certainly not innocent. And he remembered that she also used the words she used for this actor when she had called him from South Africa. That was the first time he hit her. We fought and made up.
Then Kangana's sister had acid thrown on her. He bent backwards to get the guy nabbed. His wife warned him that he was dealing with an acid-throwing maniac who could harm our family. But, instead of being indebted she called him up one evening and began to abuse him and compared him with the guy who threw acid on her sister. He lost his cool and went to her house. He saw her trying to escape in an auto rickshaw. He intercepted her and tried to talk with her but she ran away. Obviously, Aditya's outburst is a result of the rumours of Kangana's involvement with Adhyayan Suman. He said that earlier she claimed that he was like a father. Now she claims Adhyayan is like her brother. What can be said about Kangana Ranaut? A few days before Adhyayan's premiere she called him up and whispered sweet-nothings about how she wanted to be proud of him, etc, etc.
At the premiere of his debut film last week she behaved like the bahu in Shekhar Suman's family. He very politely went up to Adhyayan and said, 'Welcome to the circus. I hope you're having a good time.' The minute she saw him she fled. The next morning he sent her an SMS saying he wanted his money back.
Now Aditya is back with his wife. He says that Zarina has been his support and strength. In spite of all the pain that he has caused her she says that she wants to be his wife for seven more lives. All Kangana had to do was tell him that she was seeing this boy. Why was she cooing into her ears just a few days before she walked the red carpet with Adhyayan's family? Aditya had innumerable affairs. He never spoke about any of his women.
He also added that he never gave so much. And never felt so cheated. He risked his marriage. He gave her five years of his life. He became her manager. All he wanted was for her to come clean. All she needed to do was to tell him about the boy. He’d have truly became like a father figure in her life and seen to it that the boy kept her happy.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Aditya Pancholi heart broken by Kangana Ranaut
Posted by D at 4:19 PM
Labels: Aditya Pancholi; Kangana Ranaut; Adhyayan Suman; Shekhar Suman
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